Erosion and Irrigation

Normalized Difference Vegetation Index can pinpoint exact stresses on vegetation no matter the cultivation method. With irrigation being critical to vegetation health, the product of erosion can be detrimental and wide spread if not identified and proactive solution fabricated. With this new sensor technology, system checks of irrigation equipment can be completed to ensure system normality and that crops are getting the water they need, when they need it the most.

Crop Health Indexing

With the launch and calibration of the LANDSAT-8 OLC and Sentinel-2A, many farmers have resorted to these imaging platforms. What is completely overlooked is the critical need for atmosphere adjustment. Even if accounted for, this process could take weeks to ensure accurate data is distributed. NDVI/RGB imaging from remote aircraft bypasses the need for atmosphere adjustment and can stream realtime, accurate data to a point cloud for immediate analyzation. Crop health can be accurately imaged and thoroughly analyzed using a combination of RGB and NDVI imaging from sensors onboard a drone. Providing a complete visual overview of the selected property, these maps can be used to make critical and time costly decisions in a proactive and efficient manner.

Variable Rate Mapping

When applying a wide array of chemicals to help protect and nourish crops, prescriptions and rates are algarithmized to ensure the whole block gets the same rate of chemical application. With the addition of this modernized imaging, the maps generated from NDVI highlight specific areas in need of application while highlighting where strong and healthy crops are growing. This gives way to variable rate application, allowing farmers to only spray what needs to be sprayed. This significantly decreases chemical cost and waste while increasing overall yields. This technology will help save the Earth, and boost farmers profits.

Scouting & Analysis

Remote aircraft completely revolutionize crop scouting, eliminating the need for a hire. This saves farmers money and time. Providing cutting edge data, NDVI imaging scans crops for nominal growth, giving way to areas in which need attention. This combined with RGB imaging can Identify exact pests, weeds and fungus present in the field and help farmers pinpoint the exact stress exhibited on the crop.

Harvest Uniformity

To ensure maximum yield and provide safety to harvesting equipment , NDVI can be used to confirm plant moisture content and crop uniformity to provide a green light for harvest.